Welcome to Appivo

Welcome to Appivo, the next-gen low-code platform for building both web and mobile applications. Appivo is both an app-builder and an app platform, so building, deploying, running and maintaining apps happens all in one place. While Appivo is a low-code solution, abstracting things like app servers and database schemas, there are plenty of advanced features for users with more experience. Check out the documentation for information on the basics as well as advanced topics like SDKs and APIs.

Welcome to Appivo Docs

Appivo offers you many resources to become skillful with our products. Browse through the documentation, read about popular topics, and join our forum community.

  • Find descriptive content for Account management, Tenant management and Marketplace with introductions and step-by-step instructions under the Administration tab. This section is great for administrators.
  • Find formal documentation on Models, Actions, Rest APIs and Logic under the Development tab. This section is great for developers.
  • Detailed documentation on how to build mobile binaries for Android and iOS can be found under the Mobile Binary tab. This is required reading if you want your mobile app to be available in the Google or Apple app stores.
  • Answers to common questions can be found under the FAQ tab.
  • There is also a Recently updated section that lists the most recently updated documentation.
  • While reading through the documentation there may be a few terms and concepts that need to be introduced, or familiar words whose definitions may be slightly unique in the Appivo context. The Glossary is a good reference for simple definitions.
  • The Appivo Forum lets you interact with the experts from the Appivo community.

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