Goal: Create a simple model for representing a HelpDesk issue.

Introduction to Data Models

  1. Launch the Appivo App Builder
  2. Give your app a unique name and optional description and save it.
  1. Expand the Logic section on the left and select Models.
  1. Add your first model, called issue.
  1. You’ll see the beginning of a model relationship diagram, but it won’t look like much with only one model.
  1. Switch to the List view and edit the issue model to add attributes.
  2. Add two String and two State attributes. To add attributes, drag the appropriate attribute type from the right-hand menu.
  3. Rename the first String to summary, then edit it to change the maximum size to 80 characters.
  4. In the same way, change the next String attribute to description, with a maximum size of 6000.
  5. Now change the first State attribute to priority, add some values and select a default.
  6. In the same way, change the next State attribute to status.
  7. Save your app.

Note: You don’t have to add attributes for “created” and “last updated” time stamps. Every model has system-generated attributes called created_at, updated_at, and id that are automatically set and updated when records are created and updated. We’ll see how to use them in later lessons.

Introduction to Roles

  1. Under the Logic section on the left, select Roles.
  1. Add a new role and change the name from the default MyRole to Supervisor.
  2. Check the Select All box to give this role full access to the issue model.
  3. Save your app.

Note: With Appivo you don’t have to worry about user management or authentication. The Appivo Platform takes care of that for you! We’ll learn more about users in future lessons.

Great work! You’ve taken your first step in building a HelpDesk app.

Proceed to the next lesson to see how things start to come together. Or continue below to learn a little about the Appivo REST API.

The Appivo REST API

Every app has a REST API that is automatically created and maps to its unique data model. The URL pattern is:


The standard REST API operations are available:

  • POST
  • PUT
  • GET

Go Further!

Try out the REST API using the Chrome Postman plugin.