The App Wizard is a tool that is designed to help users create complete and ready-to-run applications quickly and easily. It provides a step-by-step process for building an application, from selecting a template to configuring data models, adding features, and publishing the finished app.
To access the App Wizard, from the My Apps page, go to the left menu Develop > click > App Wizard.

This opens up the App Wizard interface, which guides through the process of creating your application. A new page opens > Welcome to the App Wizard.

An app can be created with two methods:

  1. Create an app using a template.
  2. Create an app from a spreadsheet.

Create an app using a template

To create an app using a template simply select the template option then follow the wizard steps.

Create Data Models

Create a data model by choosing from the library, importing from other applications or by creating your own.

Pick Models From Library

Users can pick template models from any existing library of predefined models. These models are pre-built with common fields and relationships, but can be modified later.

The Model Library is updated from time to time. The following table displays the model templates within the Business category.

Business Model Template Library.

This attribute is to store information about customers.
This attribute is to store information about orders placed by respective customers.
This attribute is to store more details about placed order (like article and its quantity).
This attribute is to store available article/product information.

Import From Other Apps

The wizard can also take advantage of models that have been shared by other apps. Importing those models here will link to the data models of those apps, effectively sharing the data contained in those models. 

The list of available apps will depend on the access that has been granted to each account. All accounts have access to the models shared by the System app.

Choose an app
Shows the list of all available apps.
Select Models
Select the model available as per the app.

Model Attributes for System App.

Model Attributes
This model is used to include all IoT devices defined in the tenants device manager. It has a built-in relation with the Appliance_tag system model.
This model is used to include all built-in countries (their ISO code, language and country code) in the app.
This model is used to include all groups defined in the tenants account. It has a built-in relation with itself and the User system model.
This model is used to include all printers defined in the tenants account.
This document model is used to store an image for an user. It has a built-in relation with the User system model.
This model is used to store appivo user credentials for a tenant. A user can be added, updated and deleted. It has built-in relations with ProfilePhoto and Group system models.

Create Custom Models

Creating custom models for apps means models that are specifically designed to fit the needs of a particular application or use case. 

A new page opens > Model

App name represents the name of the app. It must be globally unique across the Appivo universe. The App name contains alphanumeric characters and no spacing.
Choose Data Model Type
Select the model type from the drop down menu:
– Data
– Document
Description represents a short introduction of the app and is optional.
Add Attribute
An attribute is the property of the model and is added depending on the model requirement.

Additional changes and configurations can be made once the Wizard is done. See the section on Data Models for more information on models and attributes.

Click Ok to create.


A relationship is a connection between two or more models that defines how they are related to each other and how different models interact with each other. To create a relationship between models Click > Add relationship. 

For example, a relationship between a Company model and a Person model might have a multiplicity of one-to-many. Once the relationship has been defined save the changes and exit the relationship management interface. 

See the section on Relationships for more information on data model relationships.

Role Management

Role management is an important aspect of application development that helps to define and control the actions that users can perform within the application. To add a new role click > Add New Role, then assign privileges to each data model. See the section on Roles for more information.

User Interface

The user interface lets the user select the type of interface they want for their application: desktop interface and/or mobile interface. For each UI, the user can select the functionality (Create, Edit, Show), and a theme. These settings dictate what app views are created and how they will look.

Application Details

Application details lets you fill in some basic information about the app: the app name and description. Once the application details have been filled in, the user can then save the information and proceed to submit the app. Note that the app name must be unique within the Appivo universe.

App Completion

App completion means that the App Wizard steps have been completed, and the app is ready to be built.

Click Proceed to save the application and open it in the builder.

You’ve completed your application and it is now ready for review and additional modification. Review other documentation topics for information on how to use the builder to add additional features to your app.

Create an app from a spreadsheet

To create an app from a spreadsheet simply select the Excel option then follow the wizard steps.

Import Spreadsheet

Upload a Spreadsheet

Users can upload a spreadsheet that the Wizard will use as a basis for the application.

On uploading the file, the Wizard will ask to select one or more sheets if the spreadsheet contains multiple sheets.

Role Management

Role management is an important aspect of application development that helps to define and control the actions that users can perform within the application. To add a new role click > Add New Role, then assign privileges to each data model. See the section on Roles for more information.

User Interface

The user interface lets the user select the type of interface they want for their application: desktop interface and/or mobile interface. For each UI, the user can select the functionality (Create, Edit, Show), and a theme. These settings dictate what app views are created and how they will look.

Application Details

Application details lets you fill in some basic information about the app: the app name and description. Once the application details have been filled in, the user can then save the information and proceed to submit the app. Note that the app name must be unique within the Appivo universe.

App Completion

App completion means that the App Wizard steps have been completed, and the app is ready to be built.

Click Proceed to save the application and open it in the builder.

You’ve completed your application and it is now ready for review and additional modification. Review other documentation topics for information on how to use the builder to add additional features to your app.

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