The App Administration module can be accessed via the Administration option in the app menu.

Upon clicking the Administration > a new page opens.

On the left hand side there are 5 main options:

  • Dashboard
  • App logs
  • Audit logs
  • Data
  • SDKs


The Dashboard is the initial view displayed when administering an app. It gives us an overview of app analytics and users.

App Logs

App log gives an overview of the events logged by an application. This helps in troubleshooting the issues that may occur when the app is in use.

The following columns are displayed for each log entry:

Timestamps represent the time at which the log entry was created, and are displayed in the local time zone of the viewing user.
Level indicates the severity of the log entry:
Type indicates the type of log entry:
Shows the logged in user’s email id who was performing the certain action logged in the log.
IP Address
IP address of the user performing the activity for which the log is generated.
Name displays the name of the operation responsible for the log entry.
Event displays the front-end widget event responsible for the log entry, if any. For example, Click, Blur, etc.
Line indicates the code line number responsible for the log entry.
Message is the main log content.

Audit Logs

Audit log gives an overview of the actions performed by users of the app.

The following columns are displayed for each log entry:

Timestamps represent the time at which the log entry was created, and are displayed in the local time zone of the viewing user.
Event is the type of action responsible for the log entry:
Shows the logged in user’s name who performed the action logged in the audit log.
IP Address
IP address of the user who performed the activity for which the log was generated.
The specific app data model related to the log entry.
Record ID
The specific ID of the app data model record related to the log entry.
Message is the main log content, which could be the value of the record.


Data allows you to download a complete set of data stored in the app. The data is downloaded as a JSON document. Files can be used as backups or as input for other systems. There is also a Restore feature to restore app data from a previously-created JSON data file.

API and SDKs

API and SDKs help in generating unique SDKs and documentation for your application’s API. One can also download a description of their API according to the OpenAPI v3 standard.

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