Goal: Send out an email when an issue is created.

Create a Rule to trigger an Action

  1. Select Rules under the Logic menu on the left, then click to add a new Rule. Name it NewIssue.
  1. Set the trigger on Data Change, with a condition of after an issue is created.
  2. Click OK.

Create an Action

  1. Move from the Rules tab to the Action tab, and add a new Action called NewIssueEmail
  1. Enter a manual Sender name but select the Supervisor role for the Email to value. This will cause the rule to send an email to all supervisors (including you!)
  1. Enter your email address manually for the Reply to field.
  1. Enter a message for the Email content.
  2. Go back to your rule and add your action to the Trigger actions section.
  3. Save your app.

Note: Emails will always be sent from <system@appivo.com>, but you can change the sender’s display name and the Reply-to field.


From: SuperHelpfulDesk <system@appivo.com>

Reply to: your-email@email.com

Editor’s Note: Sender display name isn’t currently working.

Test Drive

Click the Play arrow on the bottom left to run your app and try it out. Check your email!

Create a better email

  1. Go back and edit your NewIssueEmail Action.
  2. Edit the email to include references to data from the newly-created issue that triggers the email.
  3. We use Handlebars (handlebars.js) to reference data in templates. In this case, since the Trigger event is a record change (creation of a new issue), We have the context for the new issue record. To reference issue priority and status, simply type:
    • {{record.priority}}
    • {{record.status}}
  4. Save your app.

Test Drive

Click the Play arrow on the bottom left to run your app and try it out. Check your email!