Alerts are used to provide contextual feedback to users in their interactions. Use variations of alerts to notify different type of feedback messages
Alert! This is a default alert.
Success! You did something right.
Info! I need to inform something to you.
Warning! I need you to pay attention.
Danger! Uh oh, somthing bad has occured.
<div class="app-alert is--default">
<strong>Alert!</strong> This is a default alert.
<div class="app-alert is--success">
<strong>Success!</strong> You did something right.
<div class="app-alert is--info">
<strong>Info!</strong> I need to inform something to you.
<div class="app-alert is--warning">
<strong>Warning!</strong> I need you to pay attention.
<div class="app-alert is--danger">
<strong>Danger!</strong> Uh oh, somthing bad has occured.