Tenant Management is a premium feature not available to all accounts. If enabled, a tenants option will be visible in the main navigation column.
Tenant Management enables organization accounts to create organizational sub-accounts. These tenant accounts each exist in a secure data silo, meaning that users and data are all securely contained within each tenant.
Users may be members of multiple tenants. However while their user ID (email address) will be the same, other aspects of their profile (such as name, profile photo and roles) may differ. When a user is a member of multiple tenants, they will be presented with a list at login. To access the Tenant Manager, from the My Apps page, go to the left menu, under Navigate > Tenants.
Tenant Management
To create a new tenant, click on NEW TENANT > Edit Tenant Details page opens.
Edit Tenant Details
Description of fields:
Organization Name*
Enter the name. It must be globally unique across all Appivo customers.
Domain Name
Enter a domain name. If entered, it must be globally unique across all Appivo customers.
Enter the country associated with the tenant.
Enter an email address for the tenant.
Active Tenant
The Active toggle simply activates or deactivates the tenant. It turns authentication on/off. No users can log in to an inactive tenant.
Inherit Branding Configuration
Inherit Branding Configuration toggle keeps the new tenant in sync with the parent tenant branding configuration. If this is enabled, the child tenant will not be able to make branding changes.
Users can be added to a new tenant, but user app subscriptions must be managed within the tenant.
To add a new user, click on ADD USER > a new page opens.
Description of fields:
First Name*
Enter the first name of the user. It can have alphanumeric characters and hyphens. Names are not case sensitive
Last Name*
Enter the last name of the user. It can contain alphanumeric characters and hyphens. Names are not case sensitive.
Enter the email address.
Enter the valid phone.
Tenant Administrator
Activate by selecting the toggle.
Tenant Manager
Activate by selecting the toggle.
Click ADD
Once tenants are added, there are a few actions for management options.
Description of fields:
The Active toggle simply activates or deactivates the tenant. It turns authentication on/off. No users can log in to an inactive tenant.
Edit allows you to change account information about that tenant, such as name, domain name and country.
Delete will permanently delete the tenant, including all users and data.
Impersonate allows you to act as a System Administrator for that tenant. While impersonating a tenant, administrators can manage users and application subscriptions, edit branding settings, etc. To stop impersonation simply logout or select the Stop Impersonating option in the top-right profile menu.