
The Jumbotron widget is a lightweight, flexible component that can optionally extend to the entire viewport to showcase key marketing messages. It is a simple hero unit that can be used to call extra attention to featured information.


The Alert widget is used to communicate status and other messages to users, whether it’s a success, failure or purely informational.


The Button widget is a fundamental UI element used for interaction. Use buttons to navigate, submit forms, click events or any other trigger point for an interaction.


The ButtonBar widget is a group of buttons in which each button performs a specified action, such as navigating to a different view or creating a new record.


The DropDown button widget can be used to select one unique value from a set of values. It usually contains some sort of navigation, be it a bare list of links, or more complex elements.


The Icon widgets are used as a representative symbol for a quick understanding of functionality, or path of navigation.


The CreditCard widget collects card information and includes inputs for card holder name, card number, expiry date, and security code.