The MobileTextArea widget represents a text box that allows multiple lines of text. It is useful for adding comments and feedback.
The MobileRange widget is a highly interactive UI widget that allows users to select a range of values from a larger data set.
The MobileCheckbox widget lets the user make one or more selections from a group of values.
The MobileSelect widget lets users select and deselect a behavior or action. It enables selecting a value from a list or by selecting it from a dropdown menu or selection area.
The MobileSwitch widget is similar to the switch control (an on-off switch). It is an interactive filter widget which displays the current state.
The MobileNumber field widget accepts numeric input for fields that have a list of values.
The MobileDisplayListItem widget lets the users display a list in a structured format using more than one widget per list item.
The Select widget enables selecting values from a dropdown menu and taking interactive actions on the selected values.
The MultiSelect widget specifies the first column as list which should contain a check-box on each row and allows several rows to be selected.
The ComboBox widget is an input field with search functionality. It is a combination of a list box and an entry field. It lets the user select one value from a set of values.