
The HorizontalSlider widget lets the user select a value with a horizontally draggable handle. It allows the user to change an integer value.


The VerticalSlider widget allows the user to conveniently change an integer value. When the user touches and drags.


The HierarchySelect widget displays all the related records in a hierarchical formatĀ  consisting of all top-level base widgets organized hierarchically.


The DisplayLabel widgets can be used as an area header with various styles and text alignments. This widget implements a display box where static text or images can be placed.


The TextField widget allows users to collect inputs from the keyboard into an app. This widget is used in building forms, sending messages, and creating search experiences.


The TextArea widget allows input of multiple lines of text. This widget is apt in all the scenarios where the feedback of the user is taken.


The NumberField widget limits the user's input to numeric values only.


The NumberSpinner widget enables the user to select a number from a predefined range. It allows the users to type or modify a value with the keyboard, mouse or scroll wheel.


The CurrencyField widget displays the change in format based on the currency and the decimal value.


The DateField widget is used to display and edit fields of a date in a controlled format which allows the user to select a date from a collapsible calendar.