The MobileCredit card widget collects card information and includes inputs for cardholder name, card number, expiry date, and security code.
The MobileButton widget is a fundamental UI element used for interaction. Use buttons to navigate, submit forms, click events or any other trigger point for an interaction.
The MobileIcon widgets are used as a representative symbol for a quick understanding of the functionality, or the path of navigation. They are not interactive.
The Instagram widget is a customizable and responsive plugin that provides the ability to leverage Instagram content.
The Twitter widget allows embedding a Twitter timeline widget that showcases all the Twitter posts right on your website.
The NavigationBar widget manages contents in window or in application-specific drop down menus which are grouped in a parent menu. Mostly, it is anchored to the top of the screen or a window.
The Label widget is used to implement display boxes where text is placed.
The Paragraph widget gives scope to the admin to add long text. The paragraph widget is used to divide sections or define any field with texts in the form. It is a read-only field which users cannot modify.
The Link widget defines a hyperlink that can be used to interact with and navigate to an external location or a location within the application. The widget is rendered as a hyperlink.
The Divider widget is used to create a horizontal line divider. The divider widget allows the user to add styled horizontal lines that divide content.