
The RadialProgress widget shows the progress along a circle. It can be used to visualize different types of data and display the progress of various processes in circular format.


The Chart widget provides a visual representation of data in several formats, such as pie charts and bar charts.


The ResourceCalendar is designed exclusively for allocating resources to appointments. It is one of the most useful widgets for scheduling, time management or event tracking.


The ExcelImport widget imports data from a spreadsheet file.


Mobile list widget displays data records in a list view. It allows selection from a list of specified items.


The Calendar widget is a simple and easy-to-use widget that displays links to posts by date. It allows the user to select a date from a graphical calendar.


The Scheduler widget shows a schedule view of a user.


The DataImport widget allows the user to import data records into the app backend. The import file can be dragged and dropped into the widget.


The DataGrid widget displays records in a tabular form with each attribute in its own column, much like a spreadsheet.


The DataList ​​widget displays data records in a structured custom list view. It provides a way to move items, typically a list, from one content section to another.