Name |
Desciption |
Disabled | The widget cannot be used. |
Display Arrow | Display Arrows for swiping. |
Enable Scroll | Enable horizontal scrolling. |
Hidden | Hides the widget from the user. |
Infinite | Allow Infinite scrolling. |
Label | Text label shown on the widget. |
Multiselect | Allow selection of multiple values. |
Slides To Scroll | Slides to be scrolled in one go. |
Slides To Show | Slides to be preview in one go. |
Speed | Scrolling Speed. |
Tab Index | The Tab Index is an integer that tells the order of the widget when using the tab-key to move from one widget to another. |
Name |
Desciption |
Arrow color (for scroll type) | The color of the arrow for the dropdown. |
Background-color | Change background color of the widget. |
Border color | Add the color for the border. |
Border radius | Add curves to the borders of the widget. |
Border style | The style of the border whether it is solid, dotted or dashed. |
Border width | Define the border width in pixels for the widget. |
Color | Color of the text inside the widgets. May not apply to all text inside all widgets. |
Font Size | Set the font size in pixels for text. |
Font weight | Modify text style and select a range from bold to lighter font weight. |
Item Padding (right left) | Generate space around the widget’s left and right area. |
Item Padding (top bottom) | Generate space around the widget’s top and bottom area. |
Label text color | Sets the change in the label font color. |
Selected Item Background Color | Specifies the background color of the selected item of the Option Selector widget. |
Selected Item Text Color | Specifies the text/font color of the selected item of the Option Selector widget. |
Space between items | Generates space between each items in the list. |
Text-alignment | Set left, centered or right. Applies both to icon and text. |