The Timeline is a flexible widget that displays events in a vertical timeline. 

  • UI Type:

Extends: BaseWidget


Name Desciption
Delete FunctionFunction called when an event is deleted.
Details TemplateHTML template used for displaying event details.
DisabledThe widget cannot be used.
Empty LabelText that is displayed when the timeline is empty.
HiddenHides the widget from the user.
IconCSS class to use for displaying icons.
Icon FunctionFunction for setting events' icons.
Image SizeSize of the timeline's images.
Interval ExceptionsRelation to use for exceptions in an event's recurring interval.
MaximizeSet this widget to be maximized (take up all available space).
Render TypeConfigures how the timeline is displayed to the user.
Tab IndexThe Tab Index is an integer that tells the order of the widget when using the tab-key to move from one widget to another.
TitleTitle that is displayed at the top of the timeline.


Name Desciption
Background-colorChange background color of the widget.
ColorColor of the text inside the widgets. May not apply to all text inside all widgets.
Font SizeSet the font size in pixels for text.
Text-alignmentSet left, centered or right. Applies both to icon and text.


Name Description Event Attribute
Blur Event when a widget goes out of focus.
event The event that gets triggered when the user "leaves" an element.
CellClick Triggered when a cell is clicked on the data table.
event Object containing the record (event.record) that was clicked.
Click Event that triggers based on touch or click.
event The event that triggered the handler.
DblClick Event that triggers based on double click.
event The event that triggered the handler.
Focus Event when indicating/ highlighting widget using the cursor.
event Focus is the event that gets triggered when a user makes an element come into focus, by clicking on it.


deleteRecord ( )

getPeriod ( ) { Object }

Returns the current displayed period.

nextPeriod ( )

Display the next period.

previousPeriod ( )

Display the previous period.

refresh ( opts: Object )

Refreshes the timeline.

Name Type Description
opts Object Optional options object to configure the refresh.

setRenderType ( renderType: currentDay )

Sets the timeline's render type.

Name Type Description
renderType currentDay The new render type

blur ( )

Triggers the blur event.

focus ( )

Triggers the focus event.

get ( name: String ) { Object }

Gets the value of the specified property.

Name Type Description
name String The name of the property.

The property's value.

getId ( ) { ID }

Returns the ID of the widget.


The ID of the widget

getValue ( ) { Object }

Returns the widget's value.


The widget's value.

hide ( )

Hides the widget.

isEnabled ( ) { Boolean }

Returns true if the widget is enabled.


True if enabled, otherwise false.

isHidden ( ) { Boolean }

Returns true if the widget is hidden.


True if hidden, otherwise false.

set ( name: String , value: Object )

Sets the value of the specified property.

Name Type Description
name String The name of the property.
value Object The new value.

setEnabled ( Enabled: Boolean )

Enables/disables the widget.

Name Type Description
Enabled Boolean True to enable the widget, false to disable.

setStyle ( Object: Object )

Set the widget-style

Name Type Description
Object Object properties

setValue ( value: Object )

Sets the widget's value.

Name Type Description
value Object The new value.

show ( )

Shows the widget.